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Suggested English Script:

Dreame Wet & Dry  Vacuum can Wipe Clean the Floor after Mopping: DREAME H15 Pro Heat Leads the New Trend in Smart Cleaning

From March 13th to 16th, the highly anticipated 2025 Singapore Electronics Show (COMEX IT SHOW) will take place at the Suntec Convention Centre, bringing advanced tech to the reaches of Singapore and Southeast Asian consumers. Dreame Tech is the star showstopper at the IT SHOW, presenting a wide range of products, including floor washers such as the H15 Pro HeatH14 Ultra, and H13 FlexReach, as well as other category-leading products like the X50 Ultra, X50 Master, Airstyle ProPM10 Air Purifier, and Z2000 Dishwasher. Additionally, Dreametech unveiled its cutting-edge robotic arm technology, further highlighting its commitment to innovation and smart home solutions.

Top Smart Home Companies featuring a mix of robotic hardware breakthroughs and smart software innovations set the tone for this IT SHOW. Among them, visitors show great interest in the H15 Pro Heat floor washer.

Traditional wet & dry mop vacuum have two significant shortcomings:

Poor edge-cleaning performance: The corners where walls meet floors tend to accumulate dust and dirt, which round brushes struggle to reach, often requiring manual secondary cleaning.

Water stains after mopping: Wet floors, especially in households with elderly or children, significantly increase the risk of slipping.

Dreametech H15 Pro Heat wet & dry vacuum introduces an innovative solution. With its industry-first AI Descend Reach Robotic Arm, it wipes the floor like a windshield wiper on a car, wipes the floor dry clean after done mopping. It achieves zero water residue and 100% omnidirectional, triple sided edge-to-edge cleaning in all the corner spaces along with its 180 degree lie flat flagship function. This innovative product, which combines cutting-edge technology with user-friendly design, solve the last-mile painpoints consumers often face.

After cleaning heavy duty household dirt such as wet bathroom hair, oily kitchen residues, traditional mop vacuum is very difficult to clean. This problem is solve by DREAME H15 Pro Heat. It stands out with its 85¡æ hot water ThermoTub self-cleaning technology, powered by a high-capacity instant heating boiler. It immersees the cleaning roller brush in a Hot-Tub-like boiling water tank, constantly pumping hot water thru  a 3-row, 24-hole design for 360¡ã hot water delivery system to cover every inch of the brush. Consumers can see the water temperature rises through the red temp-sensative indicator on the side of the roller brush. DREAME H15 Pro Heat is perfect for kitchen and heavy-duty household cleaning, it redefines home cleaning with unmatched efficiency.

The Dreametech H15 Pro Heat wet & dry vacuum features the innovative AI Sensing Wash & Dry Monitoring System, using smart algorithms to detect dirt and moisture, adjusting self-cleaning automatically. Its Multi-Spectrum Dirt Detection identifies stains like soy sauce and debris in order to reclean if there are still heavy duty stains left, while Smart Drying monitors brush humidity to prevent bacteria leftover on the brush, while keeping the brush from being overheated and damaged.

The Dreametech H15 Pro Heat also features 180¡ã lie-flat cleaning technology, making it easy to clean under furniture like tables and beds. With APP connectivity and voice-display controls, users can remotely adjust suction power, water flow, and other settings for a seamless experience.

Since its inception, Dreametech has focused on innovating smart cleaning technologies, becoming a leader in the industry through strong R&D and technical expertise. The launch of the H15 Pro Heat showcases its capabilities, from advanced navigation and obstacle avoidance to intelligent path planning and groundbreaking robotic arm and hot-water mopping technologies. Each innovation reflects Dreametech's deep understanding of user needs and commitment to excellence. Moving forward, Dreametech is poised to continue leading the smart cleaning industry, delivering more surprises and convenience to households worldwide.

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